This year, Taiwan celebrates its 109th birthday as its official name “Republic of China”, there are differences between Taiwan and Thailand including their history. National Day of Taiwan, also known as “Double Tenth Day”, is to commemorate a significant event – Wuchang Uprising, that led Republic of China’s formation in October 10, 1911. The Wuchang Uprising led to the Xinhai Revolution that overthrew the Qing Dynasty. The Republic of China (ROC) is older than the People’s Republic of China, which is established in October 1, 1949.

You might be confused between “Republic of China” and “People Republic of China”, why there’re two “China”?

Republic of China (ROC), now commonly known as “Taiwan” but originally as “China” when it controlled mainland China during 1912 to 1949. The Diplomat: While the KMT military defended China against Japan during WWII, the CCP built up strength for the civil war.The government of Republic of China, the Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang (KMT), retreated to the island of Taiwan when they lost the Chinese Civil War in mainland China in 1949. Since the end of 1949, the Republic of China lost control of mainland China and controlled only Taiwan and some nearby island groups. In the meanwhile, the Republic of China also lost its status as representing the title of “China” in the United Nations in 1971.

The national flag of Republic of China (Taiwan)

People’s Republic of China (PRC), commonly known as “China”, which established in 1949 after winning the Chinese Civil War as the Communist Party of China (CPC), and has controlled mainland since then.

The national flag of People Republic of China (China)

Activities to participate in the celebration on Taiwanese Double Ten Day

In Taiwan, Double Ten Day begins with a flag-raising ceremony in front of the Presidential Building in the morning. After the flag is raised, the National Anthem of the Republic of China is sung. (The National Anthem of the Republic of China cannot be sung during international occasions such as Olympic games, when Taiwanese athletes win a medal, National Flag Anthem will be played instead.)

The main celebration is the parade taking place in front of the presidential palace, with tens of thousands of audience dying to see the performances. The parade also includes displays of military vehicles such as tanks and armored personnel carriers. The air force always catches people’s eyes with its jets stunts show across the sky.

After all the tight schedule of the ceremony, the celebration concludes with fireworks displays. Taipei City, where president building located in, is not the only place to admire the fireworks, you can also see them in other city halls in Taiwan. (Taiwan Presidential Building is a historically Japanese-style building, usually be included in tourists’ itinerary of Taipei private tour.)

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– 【2019國慶煙火🌅】 下面來分享一些煙火拍攝的小心得,之前不會拍的時候謝謝Jino在愛河邊帶我入門慢慢教學,這次也來寫一篇分享給需要的人 – 【拍攝】 拍攝部分,我會利用一些小技巧,來提昇煙火的拍攝品質 1.第一拍攝時間:幾乎所有煙火都在入夜之後施放,我會看好時間提早大約2.5~3小時抵達,最好是在傍晚就先到現場,方便在藍調時把地景跟天空曝,保留一定的地景暗部細節(方便後製,下面會寫XD) 2.第二構圖:構圖可以分成廣角跟中長焦兩種方式:廣角的構圖會盡量希望能對稱,而且包下所有煙火,可以先查一下最大那顆大概會飛到多高來決定;中長焦可以選擇特殊的前景,或是利用長焦的特色把煙花拍成散景 另外構圖完成好也順便注意腳架要架穩,拍完地景之後就不要再隨意移動,以免回去疊圖時費功夫,今年義大跨年煙火就遇到拍煙火前五分鐘腳架被隔壁情侶移動,回來後製真的會心很累呀心很累XD 3.煙火拍攝參數:隨著每場煙火距離跟現場環境的不同,拍攝參數也會跟著變動,但如果抓個大方向的話,我會把光圈縮小在f/7-f/13之間,然後設定B快門(搜尋相機型號+Bulb expousure會有設定方法),看到煙火升空就可以開始按直到爆到你想要的大小之後放掉,這時候不用考慮地景因為在藍調時地景已經曝好了,著重在煙火的狀況即可。比較特別的一點是低空的煙火有時候會覆蓋到地景,所以有時候我不會等他整顆爆完,大概八九成時就會先收快門方便時跟地景分開處理,ISO的部分設低即可(我會設ISO 100) – – 【後製】 接著是後製的部分,分成底圖跟煙火兩個階段來處理 1.通常先完成底圖的部分,依上面建議在藍調拍好的底圖通常還能保有地面的細節跟豐富的天空層次,地景我會加強銳利度跟降低飽和,把暗沉的黃光順變去掉;天空的亮度則會影響煙火,如果希望煙火明顯一點的話也可以稍微降低天空亮度 2.接著來到煙火的部分,在PS中只要選擇圖層>變亮,再把不要的部分刷掉煙火就成功疊到底圖上面了,除此之外我會對煙火圖層加上詳細提取濾鏡增強細節,降低亮部提高對比來恢復過曝的區域,另外稍微增加紅飽和也可以達到類似的效果 3.最後是煙火的分佈,就像整夜空白的Word上寫一篇文章要排版,在空曠的夜空中拍下璀璨的煙火也須要排版,通常我會分成地面、中景、跟高空三個部分來安排,疊圖前先在PS中設好三個資料夾分門別類,接著全選>變亮,之後關掉圖層從地面群組開始選自己最喜歡的地景煙火,再來則是中景最後高空,高空可以選一張色彩多變或具有代表意義的保留在正中心當對稱點,其餘的愛心等形狀就按個人喜好排列 – – 同一個主題拍攝的方法有很多,這篇寫的也不是必然的答案,但是至少我是這樣拍啦XD給大家參考 然後如果 覺得不一樣的地方就以他的為準XD我的煙火都是Jino教我拍的XD – – 🙋🏻‍♂️partner: @yao0904 @ian_801120 @tw.katsuya_0606 @littlephotographer__jim @tw.thebirdofmoon @tifflee0905 @tw.lcy860709 @ooxx2081 @kevin_chen1214 @staphit_1100 @_enen1258 @h.y.kai @xuan86.05 @sw.enya86814 @owo0325 @hanthelife @chc_1998 @kailunshot @sss1040277 @star_ra518 其他標不完的放限時😃😃😃 📍Kaohsiung, Taiwan 📷Nikon D750 T1530 📸 f/14 ISO100 bulb exposure

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Double Tenth Day is actually holiday in Taiwan. Having a day off you can plan yourself a Taiwan tour! Joining the flag rising ceremony is the best to start your Taipei day tour or a Taiwan family trip with your kids.

最後修改日期: 11 月 3, 2022


