Joseph Gordan-Levitt

Joseph Gordan-Levitt’s posts on August 24, 26 and 30 this year has been going viral through Taiwanese media:

Joseph Gordan-Levitt’s Facebook post on Aug 24, 2020.

Joseph Gordan-Levitt’s Facebook post on Aug 26, 2020.

Joseph Gordan-Levitt’s Facebook post on Aug 30, 2020.

There are three parts of Taiwan have been mentioned by him: Festivals, Offshore Islands and Night Market!

2016 Lantern Festival in Taoyuang

Lantern Festival, also called “Yuan Xiao Jie” in Mandarin and “Jie” means “festival”. (What is Yuan Xiao? Top 5 Ways to Taste Yuanxiao) The holiday marks the first full moon of the new lunar year and the grand finale of the Lunar New Year celebrations. The Lantern Festival is celebrated throughout Taiwan, there will be a main lantern based on the zodiac of the year.

The highlight of the lantern festival certainly is the celebration hosted in Pingxi. “Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival”, which has been held in Taiwan since 1999. For being rated as the “Second Largest Carnival in the World” by Discovery and being named one of the “10 Best Winter Trips” by National Geographic. Apart from that, “Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival” was once again voted of the “Cultural Event Most Worthy of Recommendation to International Travelers” in Taiwan through the world’s biggest travel website – TripAdvisor.

Orchid Island

Orchid Island is a volcanic island off the southeastern coast of Taiwan Island. The island is known to its native Tao as the “Island of the People”. (Read more: All You Need to Know About Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples)

Since Taiwan was formed approximately 4 to 5 million years ago at a complex convergent boundary between the Philippine Sea Plate and the Eurasian Plate, there are in total of 166 islands including the main one “Formosa”. On Taiwan’s little-known and under-promoted outlying islands, the seafood is freshly caught, the quaint fishing villages are peaceful and history runs deep. There are several islands of Taiwan that are always tourist attraction in Taiwan and we highly recommend you to add them in your Taiwan tour packages!

Penghu 澎湖

Matsu 馬祖

Kinmen 金門

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〔#輕旅行金門〕不說還以為在歐洲~猶如穿越古今中外! 大家期待的✈️偽出國之旅👉台灣離島金門特輯 來了! 不一樣的玩法 收藏起來🔥行程安排好簡單~ – 在全球疫情尚未趨緩下,台灣離島成了超熱門旅遊勝地!更因如此,也讓大家打破以往對金門的舊有印象,拍美照之餘還可滿足對歷史的想像!有別於暑期的人潮,天氣也沒這麼炎熱,正是時候好好地細細品味、深度旅遊,讓更多人認識台灣之美。 – 特別的是,十月份的成功沙灘將舉辦一場金門盛事 #金湖海灘花蛤季 🏖️ 活動現場有各種有趣海灘活動(如歌唱、吃冰大賽、沙雕、氣墊城堡等)甚至邀請溫嵐、玖壹壹、聲林之王艾文同學來演唱會表演,怎麼能錯過! – 小編這次就集中介紹金門金湖區景點,必吃必玩通通有!TAG朋友玩起來~❤️❤️❤️ – 【景點懶人包】 📌#成功坑道+ #成功海灘 👉4至6月追藍眼淚,經典海防要塞,坑道外為料羅海灣美景。 📌#陳景蘭洋樓 👉金門最大規模洋樓、彷彿置身歐洲 📌#金門峰上巡檢司 👉因綿延的磚石,又有小長城之稱。 📌#南石滬公園 👉台版張家界 📌#瓊林聚落 (紅磚樹牆 和 閩式建築) 👉猶如回到古代,可細細觀賞建築細緻精美。 📌瓊林戰鬥坑道 👉金門最大戰鬥坑道,通往民宅、各防空洞、碉堡。 📌#太湖漂浮斑馬線 👉可拍出空中漫步感!最早在冰島和印度才有的石板漂浮空中3D斑馬線! 📌柳營軍事體驗 👉最真實戰地氣氛體驗點! 高空攀爬槍戰飛鏢,揪團各種玩起來! 📌金門植物園 👉漫步於竹林廊道及登山廊道,遠望太武山美景。 📌#太武山 周邊 👉金門最高峰!海拔僅253公尺,平坦好走。 👉走在花崗岩上沿途欣賞古蹟風景,登高俯瞰金門山海風光。 – 【美食懶人包(含必點料理)】 🙋🏻‍♀️#合泉平價中心小吃店 👉#金門蛋狗、炒泡麵 🙋🏻‍♀️成功鍋貼 👉蛋汁鍋貼、香酥排骨、海蚵煎蛋 🙋🏻‍♀️阿芬海產店 👉偏僻靠海的海產店,招牌菜軟殼蟹 🙋🏻‍♀️鴻美餐飲 👉炒泡麵 🙋🏻‍♀️喜相逢 👉刀削麵 🙋🏻‍♀️談天樓 👉酒釀湯圓 🙋🏻‍♀️良金牧場 👉現沖溫體牛 – 📍2020金湖海灘花蛤季 📍2020/10/2~10/4 📍地點:金門縣金湖鎮成功出海口廣場 詳情可看活動官網: 📣建議可從陳景蘭洋樓沿著坑道一路玩到成功海灘參加演唱會與海灘活動。 🎁花蛤活動期間,只要在社群網站(FB或IG皆可)上打卡並 #2020金湖花蛤季 即可換取抽獎券,一帳號限換一張,活動將於10/4演唱會現場抽出大獎! – (📸感謝、@arielfang35、@_heyuman、@secretjump1125、@minagram____、@beishan465、@weiman_1103、@maydayyoyo、@s_h_u.1204、@sherriii1220分享)。 – ❤️有喜歡可點選「珍藏」,出遊時就有筆記囉。 ❤️出門在外請做好必要的防疫措施,保持良好習慣。 – 📸在照片標註或影片下方 #travelyam 就有機會透過輕旅行所經營社群(FB、IG、Line@…等)、特輯文章,讓更多粉絲看見喔~😘 – #輕旅行 #旅行 #拍照 #台灣 #台湾旅行 #風景 #travel #trip #taiwan #followme #igtaiwan #觀光 #金門 #金門景點 #離島旅行 #instagram

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Xiao Liuqiu 小琉球

Green Island 綠島

Orchid Island 蘭嶼

Guishan Island 龜山島

Zhongli Night Market

Zhongli Night market is located on Xinming Road at the intersection of Zhongyang West Road and Minquan Road, it is one of the more well-known night market in Taoyuan. Covering around a distance of 700m. Similar to other night markets, it is lively and bustling with a variety of shops and food stalls. (What to eat?)

Then here comes the video: Lost in Taiwan !!!

Joseph Gordan-Levitt’s Facebook post on Sep 11, 2020.

Dua Lipa

Dua Lipa posted photos including Taiwan’s product with caption “sumfing sweet” on July 27, 2020. This product’s name is “Brown Sugar Boba Ice Cream Bar”, this Popsicle is too popular even hard to buy in Taiwanese vendor. Dua Lipa has been to Taiwan for her concert in 2018. She has visit Taipei 101, Xiangshan and of course, she tasted Xiao Long Bao in Michelin rated restaurant – Din Tai Fung. If you want to join the tour that Dua had, click here!

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sumfing sweet 🍬

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Bubble Brown Sugar Milk

In recent years, new variations of bubble tea have taken the world by storm. From creamy versions like coconut and taro to fruit ones like passion-fruit or peach. Brown sugar pearl milk is another popular treat in local Taiwan, a blend of fresh cold milk, brown sugar caramel and tapioca pearls, though there’s no actual tea. Date back to 1990s, Tapiocas has been put in milk as street vendors “Qing Wa Xia Dan”, which literally means “Frog Lay Eggs” in Taiwan’s night markets. (Read more: What Every Bubble Tea Drinker Should Know)

Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman, who plays the role of Wolverine in the X-Men movie series, was spotted at Raohe Street Night Market after attending the premiere of his movie “Logan” at Taipei 101 in 2017. Hugh’s father has done long-term business with Taiwanese, Hugh even joking about that he is actually Taiwanese!

Raohe Street Night Market

Raohe Night Market is one of the oldest night markets in Taipei. It is a 600 metre path along Raohe Street in Songshan District is packed with fun and interesting night foods and snacks, quaint shops and stalls, and carnival games with prizes. It is definitely worth to put this night market in your Taiwan tour! (What to eat?)

最後修改日期: 11 月 3, 2022


